Ingrown Toe Nail Treatment in Orange County California

Best podiatrist near me orange county Irvine ingrown toe nail

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Same day appointments available

Call or Text the office 949-203-5704

Why do Ingrown Toe Nails happen?

The most common cause of ingrown toe nails is improper cutting of the toe nail or trauma.

Picking the nail can also cause a ingrown toe nail.

We offer same day appointments to treat ingrown toe nails in Orange County.

How should I be cutting my toe nail?

The toe nail should be cut straight across. This is best when there are no problems.

When the toe nail starts to grow abnormal, then rounding the nail is best.

You will need a sharp, pointy toe nail clipper for the job. Take a look below for options.

Treatment of Ingrown Toe Nails in Orange County by Dr. Kolodenker

Oral antibiotics are usually NOT needed to treat an ingrown toe nail.

When you first start to feel an in grown nail happening, use a topical antibiotic ointment and cover with a bandaid.

Give this treatment about 3 days, if it is not getting better, see your local Podiatrist in Orange County.

We have offices in Huntington Beach, Irvine, Newport Beach and Orange.

We are able to fit you in the same day.

In-Office Surgical Treatment Options for Infected Ingrown Nails in Orange County by OCPodiatry

On first occurrence, the incriminating ingrown nail border should be taken out.

Once the ingrown nail border is removed the problem is solved.

The minor surgical procedure is done in the office with the use of a local anesthetic.

Once the toe is numb, the procedure is Pain Free. You can return to work or school the same day usually.

The ingrown nail avulsion procedure can also be done at a surgical center under mild sedation anesthesia with the supervision of an anesthesiologist. This route is reserved for patients that have a high level of anxiety.

With repeating incidences of in grown toe nail, the nail border and nail matrix should be taken out permanently.

By removing part of the nail matrix, the nail corner will stop growing into your skin and the problem will be solved.

The matrix procedure can also be done in the office. This is a permanent fix to the issue.

For a consult on you ingrown toe nail in Orange County contact Dr. Kolodenker located in Irvine, CA.

Associate satellite Podiatrist offices in Huntington Beach, Newport Beach and Orange – Orange County California.

Call or Text the office 949-203-5704

Ingrown Toe Nail Orange County Irvine

Ingrown Toe Nail

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Ingrown ToeNail


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3 weeks after Nail Matrix Procedure

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After a Permanent Total Nail Avulsion

Last Updated 02-05-2023