Bunion Pain Options
Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery in Orange County
I place the incision where it can barely be seen when standing.
I also perform a plastic surgery closure technique to minimize scarring.
You will be walking in a surgical shoe, right after surgery, for a short period of time.
Most patients can anticipate returning to tennis shoes, sneakers in 3-4 weeks after minimally invasive bunion surgery.
There are some severe bunion deformities that require you to stay off your feet and use crutches for about 2 weeks. You will be placed in a tall walking boot.
Post Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery
There is usually minimal pain after the bunion surgery.
Pain medication is given for breakthrough pain.
Controlling swelling is the best way to minimize pain.
Physical therapy is really important after surgery.
What is Laser Bunion Surgery?
Studies have shown that using a scalpel for incision and cutting of skin is more beneficial than laser.
What is minimally invasive Bunion Surgery?
Minimally invasive bunion surgery is a good option for patients with minor to moderate bunion conditions.
The bunion is shaved off without correction of the 1st metatarsal angle.
Healing is faster since bone is not broken.
The negative thing of this procedure is it has a higher chance of recurrence.
Can bunions return after surgery?
Typically, if the correct procedure is chosen, the bunion should not return.
Dr. Kolodenker is a Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgeon in Orange County – Irvine, CA.
For minimally invasive bunion surgery in orange county questions it is best to contact our office – (949) 651-1202
Before and After Bunion Surgery Pictures
Sever Bunion
Last Updated 1-5-2017