Talus Bone Fracture Surgery in Orange County
Information from Dr. Gennady Kolodenker, DPM, Podiatrist in Orange County, talus bone fracture surgeon.
Anatomy of Talus and Ankle
The talus is a bone that sits between the calcaneus and ankle joint ( tibia and fibula).
It has an odd humped shape, somewhat like a saddle.
The bones of the lower leg sit on top and around the sides of the talus to form the ankle joint.
The talus bone is an important connector between the foot and the leg and body, helping to transfer weight and pressure forces across the ankle joint.
Most injuries to the talus are traumatic in nature. These injuries are often associated with injuries to the lower part of the back. An increasing number of talar and ankle fractures result from snowboarding accidents.
Talus injuries can also come from simple ankle sprains.
The talar dome can develop an osteochondral defect or a lesion.
Symptoms of Fractured Talus
Inability to bear weight
Edema and tenderness
Ecchymosis (bruising)
Talar fractures that result from snowboarding injuries may be mistaken for a simple ankle sprains.
Diagnosis of Talar Fracture
X-rays of the foot and ankle. A computed tomography (CT) or an MRI may be needed. Any loose bits of bone that may need to be removed can be identified.
If a fracture is identified on X-ray, a follow up CT should be obtain to visualize fracture fragments and better surgical planning.
Treatment of Talus Fracture
A talus fracture that is left untreated or that does not heal properly will create painful problems later.
Foot function can be impaired, early development of arthritis and chronic pain, and the bone may collapse.
In rare cases, a talar fracture can be treated without surgery.
Most fractures of the talus require surgery to minimize later complications.
There is an increased risk of avascular necrosis (avn) and bone collapse with talar neck fractures. Surgery has been shown to decrease the risk of early arthritis and deformity.
For a surgical consult click here to obtain contact information for Dr. Kolodenker.
As the bones begin to heal x-ray or an magnetic resonance image (MRI) can be obtained to see whether blood supply to the bone is returning. Even with good healing you may experience arthritis in later years. Most of the talus is covered with articular cartilage, which enables bones to move smoothly against each other. If the cartilage is damaged, the bones will rub against each other, resulting in pain and stiffness.
Talus top view
Last Updated 9-05-2017