Toe fracture Treatment Orange County
Information from your Podiatrist in Orange County.
It is important to evaluate toe fractures by obtaining an x-ray.
Sometimes a frIt is important to evaluate toe fractures by obtaining an x-ray.
Sometimes a fracture can dislocate or sublux at a joint. If there is a deformity at the joint, then the joint can be realigned in the office. In rare instances soft tissue can impede the reduction process and will require the procedure to be done in the operating room.
If there is no joint deformity or significant displacement then a buddy tape can be applied.
The big toe is toe number one.
The baby toe is toe number 5.
If you break toe number 5 then tape it to 4.
3 to 2
2 to 3
The big toe should be buddy taped to toe number 2.
Bone healing takes about 6 to 8 weeks in healthy adults. During that time the edema will begin to subside and normal shoe gear can be worn as tolerated.
We can obtain an X-ray of the broken toe in the office with our digital imaging system. Contact Dr. Kolodenker at (949) 651-1202. Located in Orange County
Last Updated 1-05-2017